16 March 2014

Inspiration: Parents

Do you know Flora? She is at the top of my reading list and I find myself checking her page to see if she has posted anything new, almost every day. Her writing is eloquent and concise, honest and soothing to read. She is one of those people I would just love to be real life friends with – she always has something interesting to share. 

It was Flora who tagged me in this inspiration series – an idea she came up with for a series of posts on the people who inspire you, and shape you as the person you are and the person you are becoming. It took me a few weeks to think about what I would write for my first post in the series, but it was my parents who I kept coming back to.

My parents are, and always have been, the people who inspire and shape me into the person I am, and the person I am becoming. Whether I like it or not, when I am in a bit of a pickle, I always find myself thinking, what would my mum or dad do? Sometimes I wish I didn't do it, but it's always been that way, I don't think it can be changed. My parents are my number one source of reassurance. I'll be a proper grown up when I can no longer go to them for advice on mundane things like, how to tell if my food is cooked, or how to get a stain out of a white top.

Mum gave birth to me! Imagine that. Must've been awful. Has made me a Birthday cake every year, since I was born. Told me it would be OK every time a boy broke my heart, and she was right. Always lovely to be around. Makes the best food.

Dad carried me on his shoulders on summer days when I was small and tubby and had short hair. Looked after me when I was sick at night. Drove me to and from the hospital, and helped me walk, to and from appointments in the lead up to my diagnosis of Crohn's disease.

My parents dragged me to church every Sunday for the first eighteen years of my life. After that it was up to me, and for a few years I ditched it, just because I could, because it was easier to turn my back on all that. But they were there when I decided to come back, no questions asked.

My parents didn't let me get my ears pierced until I was thirteen, and after that, I had to wait until I was eighteen to have any other piercings. I wasn't allowed to dye my hair until I was fifteen. I wasn't allowed to wear make up to school. I wasn't allowed a padded bra until I earned my own money. I wasn't allowed boys round to sleepover. All of that inspired me to treat my body with respect – like a temple.

There's a reason why we have parents. Mine are my guide to life. Who do you have to fall back on? My mum and dad have been married for over thirty years. That inspires me to do the same. What else is there, but to build a family and carry on that feeling of safety, belonging and love? 


  1. This post made me smile. I'd be truly lost without my parents, it's crazy to think how much they do by just being there. I think we will find this out when we become parents. I remember my parents never used to let me out on Halloween when I was ikkle - for two different reasons, but I respect them for it now. (haha not at the time though). xx

    1. Oooh that's another one I should have added! I wasn't allowed to go trick or treating on Halloween either. It made me so sad at the time but as I grew older I understood and I didn't care. The lessons are good :)
      N xo

  2. This is such a lovely post.

    My mum is definitely my inspiration, and showed me how much someone's hardwork and sacrifice can get you. I'll be eternally grateful for everything she's done for me!

    Don't worry she didn't let me get my ears pierced until I was 13 either :)

    Hmm maybe...

    1. That's really nice to hear, Emma. Parents are irreplaceable <3
      N xo

  3. I read (and love) Flora's blog too - she writes so beautifully!
    You look soooo much like your mum, wow. Your parents sound so lovely and you seem really close, I hope I'm still as close to mine when I'm 22! My parents are always really reasonable and don't try to keep me young (which I like), as they trust me to behave maturely and don't make decisions based purely on my age. That way works for us!
    lily x

    1. I already gathered that impression from your blog, Lily. You seem mature for your age and I just got that feeling that your parents treat you like an adult, I don't even know why :)
      N xo

  4. this is beautiful Naomi. Parents are so special and shape who we are - they clearly did a wonderful job with you x

    1. Thank you Miho, such a nice thing to say.
      N xo

  5. oh, and I wasn't allowed to get my ears pierced until I was 15! x

  6. Omg this is such a beautiful post!

  7. This is great :) and reminds me of my own parents too. I could say more but I think your writing speaks for itself. Lovely post x

    1. I'm so glad, and I'm really happy that so many people relate this to their own parents too!
      Thanks so much for reading xo


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