4 June 2014

Frozen Yoghurt Lollies

It may be raining but it's still technically summer, so today I'm sharing with you a recipe for some easy, healthy frozen yoghurt lollies which are a great substitute for sugar laden ice lollies and fatty ice creams (although they are good in moderation... but I'm no good at that).
These strawberry frozen yoghurt lollies are gorgeous in colour, taste like strawberry ice cream, but, you know, like actual strawberries, and are made from all natural ingredients. This is the easiest recipe in the world and takes next to no time, except for the freezing part which left me feeling rather impatient, but it was worth the wait.

Recipe for frozen yoghurt lollies:
Makes 4
You will need:

8-10 strawberries - 2 tbsp natural yoghurt - 4 tbsp milk - 2-4 tsp honey

I got these cute lolly molds from Wilkinson for £1.75. I had looked online for some but they were all at least £4, and I knew I would be able to find them somewhere cheaper! My favourite is the lion one.

All you have to do is chuck everything into a food processor or blender, and whizz it all up.

The colour reminds me of bubblegum I was banned from chewing when I was little. This tastes nicer anyway.

Transfer the mixture into a jug so it can be easily poured into the lolly molds.

Pour the mixture into the molds (make sure you wash them before use), pop the lids on and stick them in the freezer for at least 5 hours. There was a little bit of the mixture leftover which I drank chilled. If you don't want to wait for the lollies to freeze I guess you could just leave it at that and have yourself a nice yoghurt drink.

If you use fat free yoghurt and skimmed milk, these would be great if you're trying to lose weight or eat healthily in the summer months (but who doesn't like a cornetto every now and then?). If you don't like honey, you could use sweet freedom, and you can substitute the strawberries for whatever fruit you like. I think blueberries would be my next choice, with a squeeze of lemon to add a bit of zing. 

Will you be having a go at making these? What are your go-to frozen yoghurt recipes? Let me know in the comment box below or tweet me @hello_flower


  1. Oh my goodness these look delicious! Will definitely have to invest in these lolly pop moulds too! Great recipe Naomi xx

    1. They are damn tasty. I'm gonna have one for my pudding tonight : )
      N xo

  2. I love this recipe they look so scrummy. I love making things from scratch because you know exactly what goes in them. :)
    great blog post.
    please check out my blog too...

    1. They're my favourite 'invention' to date. Great if you want something sweet but not unhealthy :)
      N xo

  3. this looks so delicious!! have to try it xxx

    1. Please do! And let me know if you do :) xx

  4. YUM! If only I had those molds.. but I don't think I've seen any around here :(

    Chamomile Dealer

    1. I wish they sold them in more places – they're so useful! I'd love to make jelly in them too. Maybe you could find a bargain online : )
      N xo

  5. These look great! #fridayfoodie


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