My girl Clo-banana was partying like a fresher in Australia for a couple of months this year, and when she came back I was like, I NEED TO SEE YOU. It had been seven months! So, when we both happened to be in Cheltenham the week she got back from Aus we went to check out the (relatively) new Boston Tea Party to catch up on all the weird stuff that had happened since graduation and talk about the future(!)
Sometimes I just fancy a salad. It doesn't happen very often, but when olives and feta are on the menu, I can't resist. Despite how delicious this salad looks, I was actually disappointed. I had a grand total of three olives - very juicy, tasty olives - but only three. There weren't many tomatoes either, the dressing was bland and there were far too many chickpeas, making the whole thing very tasteless and sad. If there had been more of the good bits - cheese, tomatoes and olives, then it would have been really yummy.
Have you been to Boston Tea Party? Aside from the salad, I absolutely loved it and I wouldn't hesitate to go back. It's an all round interesting place to eat/drink - especially on a gorgeous, summer's day - and I think next time I'll get up extra early and go for some breakfast... or brunch.
the food looks super yummy!
I order salad out all the time now as somehow it tastes better out and I just can't make it as nice- the jam jar drink trend is so big right now and I love it- so cute xxx