11 May 2014

Word of the Week

I've been getting back into words this week. It feels like I've had a bit of a break from them, even though that's silly, because every day I read and write them. 

I haven't posted a word of the week in three weeks but this week I have made a conscious effort to engage with them once again, hence my post last Sunday about rekindling my love for reading!

I also dug out one of my many empty journals and have started a prayer diary. I used to write one when I was little, and I absolutely love looking back through them and seeing what has changed and if my prayers have been answered in the way that I imagined. 

Here's a little snippet of what I wrote in my childhood prayer diary - a prayer about two of my friends moving to Peru - which I still find the most embarrassingly cute extract ever:

Dated 29.4.00 - I was seven.
Anyway, aside from spending more time with words in journals and books, and being away from the computer screen, I discovered something new to share with you this week.

I love how the words used to describe frenetic also begin with 'fr' - is there a reason for this, does anyone know? Another word frenetic reminds me of is energetic - I wonder if the 'etic' on the end of both words has some other meaning?


  1. That prayer diary extract is too cute! I threw my childhood ones away because they were too embarrassing and my mum and dad kept reading them and laughing - oh the shame! I do like prayer journals though because it is encouraging to read back through them (if you can overlook the cringe)!
    Also, frenetic is a great word. I've never heard it before! Lovely post. X

    1. There were a few more like it but then it started to get a bit more coherent as I got older ;) still such a treasured item though, and one of my favourite journals because it's not filled with rubbish about boys!
      Awwww that's what parents (and siblings) do though, it's awful, the amount of times mine have read my diaries... not cool!

  2. That diary entry is too adorable, love it!

    Frenetic is a word that isn't used enough - good choice.

    Hmm maybe...


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